Subject: Re: Modems]
From: Stanley Long (
Date: Tue Dec 03 2002 - 06:43:44 AKST
If this PCI modem card deal is there, then I need two. Got two
almost-giveaway 300mHz AT boxes going out the door here this week.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Modems
Date: Mon, 02 Dec 2002 19:58:40 -0900
From: Justin Dieters <>
To: Matthew Dunaway <>,AkLUG <>
References: <>
It doesn't have to necessarily say Linux compatible on it (most
compatile ones actually don't) it just needs to be a hardware modem. I
am pretty sure you can find a good hardware modems for around $50,
although you might need to go online to find one at that price.
I think you said you only have PCI, but if you do have ISA, I know the
Office Max on diamond has several ISA 56k modems on clearance for $25.
(or maybe it was $15, i forget).
You may want to take a look at these pages if you haven't already. They
are a few years old, but it may still be relevent:
Matthew Dunaway wrote:
> I went to CompUSA and Best Buy today. Best Buy did not have any modems that
> will work with Linux in stock. When they have them, they are $79.95. I don't
> remember who made it.
> CompUSA had a US Robotics for $99.99. It says it will work on any Linux with
> kernel 2.3 or higher.
> Does anyone know where I can get a modem for less than $99.99? I will get it
> if I have to, but I would rather find someplace that might be cheaper.
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