Subject: Re: No valid interface name
From: Justin Dieters (
Date: Mon Dec 02 2002 - 11:32:50 AKST
I had a similar problem with SuSE 7.3 and my laptop. Here is a cut and
paste from my website for what I did to fix it.
The other problems I faced when installing where the network card is
initially set to use 'off' instead of 'tulip', so after you set up
networking, you have to go back into it, and change 'off' to 'tulip'.
I always did this during the install, but you should be able to do it
after-the-fact with YaST. Not sure if this is the same problem you are
running into, but it very well could be.
Mehran wrote:
> Hi all;
> I just re-install my SuSe 8.1 and I can't get any of
> my ehternet card going. It used to work O.K. before.
> Now I get " no valid interface name ---> skip". So it
> dosent take an IP address. DHCP client and server are
> alredy installed by default, and modules are loaded
> for both cards.
> Thanks
> Mehran
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