Subject: Re: Installing RPM's in Mandrake 9
From: Jon Reynolds (
Date: Mon Nov 04 2002 - 11:39:55 AKST
Tim, You need to 'su' to root, then type in 'rpm -ivh <path/to/rpm>'
that will install it for you.
On Mon, 2002-11-04 at 10:28, Tim Jordan, Network Services wrote:
> I downloaded the Opera rpm and would like to install it. I have it in
> my home directory (file:/home/tim/opera). I don't understand how I
> launch this rpm (I'm thinking that an rpm is equivalent to an .exe in
> windows?).
> I've tried the ALT + F2 key combo which brings up a run box. I type in
> the path and the rpm name (which is long!) and I get "unknown host file"
> error. When I just click on the rpm, the OS wants to know which app. to
> use? Should there be an installer available for my choosing?
> As you can tell, I'm lost.
> Tim
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