Subject: Re: Another court case to watch...
From: Grant Stockly (
Date: Wed Jul 24 2002 - 01:32:23 AKDT
I've just finished wrapping the antenna of my DLink card in aluminum foil
so I don't accidentally access someone's network which isn't even setup
Signal strength at 3% and I'm sitting next to the base. ;) I miss the
days of lynx on a 1200baud modem. Everything was so nice back then...
> "A Houston man who once showed a Harris County official how easy it was
> for an outsider to access a county computer system was accused by a
> federal grand jury Wednesday of doing just that.
> Stefan Puffer, 33, was indicted on two counts of fraud for allegedly
> hacking into the county district clerk's wireless computer system that has
> been taken out of operation because of its vulnerability."
> Sounds to me like he was acting as a 'white hat' and showing someone the
> hole, not hacking thru it.
> ---------
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