Subject: Re: X as suidroot?
From: James Gibson (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 13:19:47 AKDT
On Fri, 19 Jul 2002, FeLoNiouS MoNK wrote:
> got fBSD running pur-dee good now.. only thing is it says i gotta be
> suid root to run X ... and i really really really dont wanna be root
> running X.. although people say its secure i can see myself makina
> mistake and destroying sumthing... so the question is .. how do i fix
> this?(i havnt run X in like a year but i think its purty easy to get
> around this..) abridged version of the error is right here
> Fatal server error:
> xf86OpenConsole: Server must be suid root
> .......
> X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
There'a a difference between the _X server_ needing to run as root, and
the apps you run on it running as root...
in anycase, what this is complaining about is that the server binary needs
to be suid root (in order to access /dev/console for instance, or whatever
the *BSD equiv is.) irregardless of who is running apps ontop of it. In
order to fix this, run (as root):
# chmod 4711 /usr/X11R6/bin/X
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