Subject: Re: Calling another LDA from procmail
From: David J. Weller-Fahy (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 06:54:37 AKDT
* Matthew Schumacher <> [2002-07-18 12:32]:
> Is it possible to call another LDA from the procmailrc file. I want to
> call scanmails or virge from procmail only if a condition is met.
Well, in my procmail recipes I call an external program to check for
spam. So you should be able to 'deliver' an email to an external
program (LDA) and *not* clone the mail so that procmail considers it
Example (not tested, just guessing):
:0 W
| /path/to/other/LDA
That should pipe each message coming through to the other LDA, wait for
it to finish with the message before continuing, and ignore any 'Program
Failure' codes that it spits out.
Haven't tested it, so YMMV.
Was that what you were looking for?
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