Subject: Re: Webstar and MBOX and qmail and Maildirs
From: David J. Weller-Fahy (
Date: Wed Jul 17 2002 - 08:48:18 AKDT
* Jon Reynolds <> [2002-07-16 19:08]:
> We have a MacOS9 as our email server running 4DWebstar we can save our
> email as a 'Inbox.MBOX' file. I need to convert this to an Maildir. I
> Have used a little program I found '' and it isn't working as
> I hoped. Has anyone ever been able to import these types of files?
> They dont seem to be real mbox format files but something else maybe?
> I can do a more on the Inbox.MBOX file and can read all the emails in
> there so I know there is something there, but I can't export them over
> to Maildir. Any Ideas?
Well, I don't use any Mac platform stuff, but I've put the script that I
used to make the changeover on my site. Also, what problem (exactly)
are you having with the conversion? Is it making the maildir
directories with the new/cur/tmp subdirectories? Are the messages
getting put in there? Is it erroring out before even starting the
Here's the link to the script that I used:
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