Subject: Re: Converting mp3 to wav
From: Justin Dieters (
Date: Mon Jul 15 2002 - 12:33:48 AKDT
>I'm not sure what your level of understanding of audio is, so forgive me if
>you already know this. Converting from mp3 to .wav is lossy; the quality
>would be worse than if you had recorded from the original source material.
>If you have the original source material it is much better to rip it from
>that to .wav, normalize it, then convert to mp3.
True, but if the source mp3 is decent quality (160Kb or higher) you
probably won't notice anything.. At least I can't notice any difference,
but YMMV ;)
But he is correct, if you have access to the original source, you'd be
better off that way if you want to make sure you have a good quality mp3...
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