Subject: Re: Converting mp3 to wav
From: Michael Fowler (
Date: Mon Jul 15 2002 - 10:55:09 AKDT
On Sun, Jul 14, 2002 at 12:02:51PM -0800, Justin Dieters wrote:
> Sorry for the multiple replies.. just found this nomalizer as well..
I use wavnorm when ripping my CD collection, but I'm not sure how good it
is. Perhaps it's a failing of the program, or perhaps it's the wide range
of volume in specific examples of music, but some of the music is much
quieter than the rest.
For example, most of the music I have is normalized fairly well, but
classical music, or scores from movies (such as Gladiator) are very quiet,
and I usually have to turn up the sound to hear it.
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