Subject: Re: Java applet
From: Cisco (
Date: Mon Jul 15 2002 - 08:30:21 AKDT
--- Jon Reynolds <> wrote:
> Is there a way to insert a java applet into apache or do
> I have to use
> jakarta or tomcat as my server instead of apache?
To just serve an applet you don't need anything special on
the server. Format to put in the html page is something
<applet code="somepath/someapplet.class" width="400"
<param name="speed" value="5">
<param name="loop" value="off">
The .class file needs to be on the server. There may be an
issue with mime types and .class files, but Apache
shouldn't have any problem.
Tomcat is one of several products produced by the Jakarta
project. Tomcat is used to run java on the Apache server.
It can be installed as a module. You don't need Tomcat to
serve applets. The applets run on the client.
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