Subject: Re: Boot Issues
From: Adam Elkins (
Date: Sat Jul 13 2002 - 19:04:07 AKDT
civileme wrote:
>On Saturday 13 July 2002 05:36 pm, Adam Elkins wrote:
>>Another thing, it will only see the HDD and CDROM as slaves, no matter
>>what I tell it or set the jumpers to. Whats up with that>?
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>Replace the IDE cables, and make sure you use the 40-pin variety before
>testing 80-pin types-- also make sure neither is set to Cable select.
>Believe me, foaming at the mouth and checking things while the cables were
>broken has wasted more of my time than any other single cause. Cables are
>slip-fit and IDC and they _vibrate_ all the time, so they are a real weak
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>with 'unsubscribe' in the message body.
Checked the cables.....Fixed the floppy problem, however, the HDD is
still a mistery.
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