Subject: nVidia graphics
From: Jim Gribbin (
Date: Sat Jul 13 2002 - 13:51:29 AKDT
I did a little looking up on your video situation. I think the main
hang-up is that DVI monitor. Apparently DVI is not supported in the
nvidia drivers from XFree. You will have to get the drivers from nVidia
setup before that has a chance of working. Even then it can be
It might make things easier to work with during the setup if you can
either set you monitor to work in analog mode or plug an analog monitor
into you second interface. I'm guessing from my reading that some DFP
monitors can be set to use analog through the DVI interface (has both
signals available?).
Maybe someone on the list can help, he's attempting to setup a dual-head
nVida graphics card with an IBM 18" DFP display. Graphics card has 1 -
DVI and 1 - analog interface.
Jim Gribbin
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