Re: /etc/skel

Subject: Re: /etc/skel
From: Mike Tibor (
Date: Sat Jul 13 2002 - 00:45:58 AKDT

On 12 Jul 2002, Jon Reynolds wrote:

> I have a freebsd4.6 box that I am using for my qmail+squirrelmail
> server. I am using Maildirs as opposed to mbox format, when I create a
> user it defaults to using mbox. I have read about the /etc/skel file but
> I'm not sure how to edit it to make Maildirs the default in the users
> home directory. Also, should I move these freebsd questions to a
> different list or is this one ok to post these questions to?

I think you need to use a different mechanism to make new users' mailboxes
the non-standard (Maildir) form. /etc/skel is just a place to put files
that get copied to every new users' homedir. (same as on most any Linux

I haven't changed to Maildir on any of my FreeBSD boxes, but you might
take a look at /etc/login.conf, around line 24, and also look at
/usr/sbin/adduser (a perl script).

Are you working towards Maildir instead of mbox for performance reasons?
Or is it some other reason?


Mike Tibor         Univ. of Alaska Anchorage    (907) 786-1001 voice
Network Technician     Consortium Library         (907) 786-6050 fax  for PGP public key

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