Subject: Re: APT-GET and SuSE 8.0
From: Christopher Swingley (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 13:41:02 AKDT
* W. D. McKinney <> [2002-Jul-10 13:25 AKDT]:
> After running Debian Woody (sid) for a short while, and now back to SuSE
> 8.0 on my laptop, I can say safely Debian is a nice distro though I
> personally am just to deep into SuSE to move on. Yet the apt package was
> nice to use while running Debian, so I have installed everything to use
> this under my SuSE install as well.
How does SuSE handle this? Is there an apt sources list for SuSE just
like the Debian mirrors, or is the SuSE 'apt' just a friendly way to
download and install RPM's?
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-- Christopher S. Swingley phone: 907-474-2689 Computer Systems Manager email: IARC -- Frontier Program GPG and PGP keys at my web page: University of Alaska Fairbanks To unsubscribe, send email to <> with 'unsubscribe' in the message body.
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