Subject: RE: Java VM
From: stephen king (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 12:42:58 AKDT
I think some candles and incense might help as well <grin>.
I remember having a similar issue a long long time ago in a place far =
far I can remember of the solution was the addition of an =
environmental variable named "CLASSPATH" that pointed to where the =
.class files were...hope that helps but I'm not too confident.
PS--sorry to all y'all that had to look at all the good happy encryption =
key data that got sent to the list over the weekend. Gotta love =
learning new technology...'specially when it was created by Microsoft.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Reynolds []
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 12:13 PM
Subject: RE: Java VM
So now I have installed the sdk and added the paths to /etc/ =
ldconfig, rebooted the machine, updated the db, danced with fairies in =
woods after midnight and it still says I need a java VM. This is driving =
nuckin futs! This should not be such a difficult thing to do. I am just
trying to install Limewire on this damn thing for freaks sake. Any other
ideas on what to try? Maybe if I do some chanting and sing with the =
monks or
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