Subject: RE: MTA DSL
Date: Mon Jul 08 2002 - 18:22:52 AKDT
Reading about the 'dropped' lines with smoothwall and ipcop=2E =20
I do know that MTA has a problem with their setup so that the DSL
handshaking (PADI/PAD0?) gets fubar'ed=2E Usually a quick check in the
smoothwall logs shows that handshakes aren't acknowledged=2E (tho that
doesn't help you if you are remote supporting)=2E A Knowledgable Source t=
me that is usually a symptom of hosed DHCP relaying, so when that happens =
just make a 'quick' call to their tech support and say 'yer PADI/PAD0
handshaking is down at the <whatever> hut'=2E The first line windows supp=
guy mumbles a bit, and then will get around to calling next level admin=2E=
Most of the time=2E Has generally worked so far=2E
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