Subject: Re: [Fwd: RE: help with print queues]
From: Arthur Corliss (
Date: Mon Jul 08 2002 - 10:46:07 AKDT
> It depends mostly on the paper stock you use.. Personally I'm
> not sure why you want to print out duplicate checks unless you
> really want an exact duplicate. It sound like, in this case,
> the paper stock already has the "Duplicate" printed, in which
> case you still just want two exact duplicates printed.
> As for how to do it, I think it depends on your program.. It shoudn't
> be too hard to make a script that duplicates on a per-page basis,
> but I dont have anything to supply at the moment.
For that matter, it would be simple (depending on the format the job is
submitted in) to add a transparent layer on top of the rasterised image
with the "COPY" or "DUPLICATE" text superimposed.
----Arthur Corliss Bolverk's Lair -- Digital Mages -- "Live Free or Die, the Only Way to Live" -- NH State Motto
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