Browser compliance

Subject: Browser compliance
From: Greg Madden (
Date: Mon Jul 08 2002 - 08:30:52 AKDT

Most here probably glance at Slashdot occasionally. This story on
browsers, not mentioning Linux, affects accessing web sites in Linux
more because of the lack of IE for Linux. I know my financial
institution codes for IE & Netscape 4.7x. Mozilla, Konqeror, & Opera do
not work from my Linux box. This is certainly irritating when it is for
something so basic as my bank account.

'Web Designers Ignoring Standards and Support IE Only'

Seems like we need to do more to support browser use in Linux. I would
suggest sending an email to the contact listed on all/most web sites
informing them of your browser/platform preference. Also include the w3c
validator site just to helpful.

Linux browser users need to be counted, at some point in the future the
magic number (of non IE) users will be reached, but only if we send
those (polite) emails so we 'are' counted

Greg Madden
Precision Air Balance, Inc.
Phone:(907)276-0461 Fax:(907)258-0461

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