Subject: Re: Slackware 8.1
From: James Gibson (
Date: Thu Jul 04 2002 - 10:21:46 AKDT
Thank you, Chris. =)
A much more eloquent monologue than my attempt, and clearer too. That
final point is one that can't be hammered home too swiftly.. Laziness
while compiling _will_ cause you to suffer sooner or later. Period.
On Thu, 4 Jul 2002, Christopher E. Brown wrote:
> I cannot rant enough about how many hard to trace problems are caused
> by this kind of thing. 9 out of 10 times you are fine, its the 10
> time that bites you in the ass, specially because it is usually an odd
> hard to trace breakage. One should alwasy enshure a clean build
> environ and procedure, a couple extra precautions each time are
> trivial, but can save you days of pain later.
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