Subject: Re: Slackware 8.1
From: damien hull (
Date: Mon Jul 01 2002 - 19:51:53 AKDT
Ok, here is what I've learned.
The kernel source that comes with Slack 8.1 is broken. To fix it you need to
down load the 2.4.18 source from the net. Then you need to rename
/lib/modules/2.4.18 to something else. I called it 2.4.18.broken because
they are broken. Once you do this you can compile the kernel source you down
loaded from the net with out any problems.
I was able to get sound working on my system. I have an ISA Sound Blaster
sound card that is currently pumping out some nice tunes. In the kernel
source directory there is a Documentation directory. In that directory there
is a sound directory which has info on how to get sound working.
I'm currently using some options in /etc/modules.conf. This file seams to
auto load modules when you need them. My sound modules aren't loaded until I
do something with sound.The file /etc/rc.d/rc.modules loads modules at boot.
Try to use the /etc/modules.conf file if you can.
I tried to use the ALSA driver but I didn't get very far. The driver for my
card came with the kernel source.
If you compile your own kernel just take the defaults for USB. Most of the
options I've seen are not needed or are for things moste of us don't have.
My Opinion...
Slack 8.1 seems to be working for me now but I did see some strange things
when I first installed it. My suggestion is to get the kernel source from
the net and compile a new kernel. The one that comes with slack 8.1 may be
Adam writes:
> damien hull wrote:
>> Slackware 8.1 may be broken. It could be something I'm doing but I think
>> it's broken.
>> The big problem I'm having is compiling the kernel. Everything works
>> until I install the modules. It goes until it hits the pcmcia module. For
>> some reason it can't find the pcmcia module so it stops and gives an
>> error message.
>> If anybody knows how I can fix this or is using Slack 8.1 and doesn't
>> think it's broken let me know. I'm about to go back to Slack 8.0.
>> Damien Hull
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> Hey Damien, have you noticed any lock-ups with 8.1? When I let the
> system idle for a few hours, It locks up when I touch the mouse...Only
> happens every once in a while. 8.1 just may be broke, which disapoints me
> greatly. But, I have a question for you. What do I need to do to get my
> USB working on 8.1? During the install, it askes what kernel to use, I
> never know what to pick, I choose bare.i by default. So, I go into
> rc.modules, and comment out the USB stuff.....then what? Is their anything
> else i need to do?
> Adam
Damien Hull
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