Red Hat SSH?

Subject: Red Hat SSH?
From: Mark-Nathaniel Weisman (
Date: Fri Apr 05 2002 - 00:06:44 AKST

  I know you'll have an answer to this question so I'll throw it out here.
Does Red Hat v6.2 have ssh? Is there a .rpm on the distro anywhere? I need
to get ssh up on the two remaining Linux boxes in my net. I've found a site
where I can download it from, however, I can't seem to get all my command
line FTP straightened out, so I wind up downloading it to a Windoze box
where the CRC count comes out of whack. Is it on any of the CD's that comes
with Red Hat v6.2 that you're aware of. For that matter, does anyone know
how to install the above?


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