Mysql: Giving it a try

Subject: Mysql: Giving it a try
From: Mike Barsalou (
Date: Thu Feb 28 2002 - 13:59:53 AKST

So far everything is going well. I was able to use the RedHat RPMS to load
the mysql stuff and have downloaded the ODBC drivers from the mysql site.

After fiddling with getting the grant pieces right, I was able to connect to
the mysql database using MS Access.

Kinda cool!

It took about an hour to get things going, starting from installing the RPMS
to getting MS Access to see the database. Most of this time was spent
reviewing the readme files about what kinds of problems I might expect and
what to do about them (with regards to using the MyODBC drivers in windows)

I used the mysql site's search tool to solve some of my problems....that was
VERY helpful.

I do have a working knowledge of for some of you that don't...this
part may be a small hurdle.

Other than that, it seems straight forward.

As for the MySQL project: Several people have said they will commit a box
and I am currently working with them to organize the effort. We should have
a majority of the details worked out in a week or so.


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