funky compiler problem...

Subject: funky compiler problem...
Date: Fri Dec 28 2001 - 21:15:09 AKST

So this is odd. On largish compiles gcc will crap out with a signal 11 and
returns the ever useful error 01. Now the odd part is that if I run 'make'
again the compile will start back up where it left off and continue for a
while and then either crap out again or complete sucessfully. Once
finished (sometimes after 3 or 4 attempts) whatever I'm compiling runs
flawlessly. I've had these same results with Apache, OpenSSH, PHP and few
other programs whose source I had laying about so I know it's not related
to what I'm compiling.

For the record this is a redhat 6.2 system, much patched and tweaked
over time. I've upgraded related packages (egcs*, glib*, cpp) to what
seems to be the latest update version for 6.2. At least with the case of
egcs I can't upgrade any further without being sucked into to redhat
dependency hell ^H^H^H^H heck. Here are the versions of the aforementioned


My guess is that there is no package or library is actually broken but
that some resource related to compiling is filling up, or running out so
the system can handle an entire compile at once. Not being a programmer
though, I have no idea what or even where to look.

Anyone have any ideas?



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