[aklug] OT: Clojure help

Tim Johnson tim at akwebsoft.com
Fri May 26 07:18:01 AKDT 2017

 clojure at googlegroups.com :)

* Christopher Howard <christopher.howard at qlfiles.net> [170526 05:16]:
> Is there a Clojure programmer on one of these lists who wouldn't mind
> corresponding with a Clojure n00b to answer a few basic questions? Here
> is the first one:
> When I run
> tutorial.core> (let [img (new-image 32 32)] (set-pixel img 10 10 cyan)
> (show img))
> from the REPL, this returns a javax.swing.JFrame object, and displays
> the frame and image as expected. However, if put the same in
> (defn -main
>   "Generates image."
>   [& args]
>   (let [img (new-image 32 32)]
>     (set-pixel img 10 10 cyan)
>     (show img)))
> in more core.clj, and run (-main) from the REPL, I get error
> ClassCastException java.awt.image.BufferedImage cannot be cast to
> clojure.lang.IFn  tutorial.core/-main (core.clj:11)
> Why the difference?
> --
> https://qlfiles.net
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