[aklug] Free Stuff: Manuals to give away

From: Tim Johnson <tim@akwebsoft.com>
Date: Sun Sep 18 2016 - 11:30:07 AKDT

Many trees were slaughtered in the process of creating the following

  See https://github.com/blakemcbride/Dynace

  It's a CLOS-inspired (author's words) "overlay" for C. It is not
  c++ and the author claims that it is superior to C++ . :) Still in

  I've got an almost 400-page manual that was printed out close to 20
  years ago and is in pristine condition (no coffee or beer stains).

  It is both documentation and tutorial in nature.

Now for the retro stuff:
  A86/D386 Assembler documentation by the author Eric Isaacson.
  About 200 pages, very thorough.
  See http://www.eji.com/a86/ (new as of 2006!)
  (I may have a copy of the assembler around, if I can find it, I'd
  be happy to provide it as well)

  Plus :
    The full text of

  COMMON LISP: A gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation by
  David S Touretzky. (No, Tourettes Syndrome is _not_ named after
  him :))

    Over 400 pages. If you don't know much about symbolic
    programming it is a good intro. Even if you (like me) write
    elisp, autolisp, rackett or clojure it's pretty informative.

    Be forewarned, this is old stuff and finding a lisp interpreter
    that is backwards compatible might be an issue, but further
    edifications may be achieved by adapting code that may not prove
    to be portable.

Not only were trees slaughtered, I seem to remember as least
two printers rode hard and put up wet to print these out.

I'd hate to see those trees or printers suffer and die in vain, so I
owe it to 'em to attempt to recycle before discarding.

Free for the taking. I'm in Palmer.

http://www.akwebsoft.com, http://www.tj49.com
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