[aklug] connecting a local SMTP (postfix, exim) server to the outside world?

From: techno curmudgeon <technocurmudgeon@gmail.com>
Date: Tue Jun 21 2016 - 09:39:14 AKDT

Hey all,

It's been a really long time since I've messed at all with postfix, or
really any email configuration at all (ten years? fifteen years? more?).
Anyway, back in the day, I could just set up my local postfix to relay to
and from my isp's SMTP servers. That was back in the day though. Had to
be careful about open relays, but that was a couple of config lines (in
postfix, anyway).

Given all the spam and abuse and malware and whatnot these days can non-isp
folks use their own local postfix and connect it to the outside world?
Either through their isp's smtp servers, or some other way? Maybe with
certs and/or some other type of auth? Or are local smtp servers just not
viable anymore?

If it matters, the isp's I'll be connecting to will be gci and mta.


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