OK, as soon as you read the subject line, you groaned...I know...its
OK. I'm perfectly normal.
Everyone once in a while, I feel like fooling around with my sendmail
configuration to try different things.
Yes, I really am normal.
So what I wanted to do was sendmail to Google's smtp server. I found
this document:
Which implies that as long as I have an account to authenticate with,
I can send mail through their server and it will be delivered...AS
LONG AS I use port 465 or 587.
However, sendmail sends stuff to port 25 by default, so I had to
figure out how to change the port.
Also, since I had a smarthost already configured and didn't want to
mess with that, I decided to use mailertable to deliver mail to a
specific domain through their server.
This means I had to create a new mailer by copying the existing smtp
entry in the .cf file like this and placed it after all of the other
mailer definitions in the .mc file:
Msmtp-587, P=[IPC], F=mDFMuX, S=EnvFromSMTP/HdrFromSMTP,
R=EnvToSMTP, E=\r\n, L=990,
A=TCP $h 587
and my mailertable has the entry:
destination.domain.com smtp-587:smtp.gmail.com
Note: I believe there has to be at least one tab before the stuff on
the right...so copying and pasting this might not work.
restarting sendmail on the Ubuntu box rebuilds the mailertable and the
sendmail.cf file.
So, if you like to mess with sendmail and more clarification is needed
or you have questions, let me know because I may be assuming something
that isn't obvious.
Mike B.
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