Internet Alaska... I'll have to look that one up.
I did some training and consulting for AlasConnect's WISP arm up in
Fairbanks fairly recently, but I haven't heard of IA.
There is a friend of mine that runs a WISP down inWestern
Juneau :)
Josh Reynolds, Chief Information Officer
On 10/31/2014 11:31 AM, William McKinney wrote:
> OK folks,
> I started AKLUG back in the day after a meeting at the Library with
> Ryan McClune & Pat Wilke.
> I work for GCI now after stinks at Internet Alaska, ACS, TelAlaska, AK
> Fiber Star, and AT&T. Done the dance, now all are my min's. Ryan gave
> me my first copy of RedHat 2.0 on 3.5" floppy. Been using linux since.
> Cheers
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