* Jim Gribbin <jimgribbin@gmail.com> [110228 15:30]:
> Lest we overlook.
> http://vimperator.org/muttator
Grrr! This is obviously an insiduous plot to lure muttmeisters
away from their noble cur. They'll take away my mutt when
they pry it from my cold dead fingers.
But it could lure some TBirdmeisters away from the corrupt
gui-puppet-masters.... inquiring minds want to know.
-- Tim tim at johnsons-web.com or akwebsoft.com http://www.akwebsoft.com --------- To unsubscribe, send email to <aklug-request@aklug.org> with 'unsubscribe' in the message body.Received on Mon Feb 28 17:40:25 2011
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