[aklug] My virtual server on Amazon

From: Damien Hull <damien@linuxninjas.tv>
Date: Mon May 11 2009 - 18:43:06 AKDT

I'm slowly migrating to a virtual Ubuntu 8.04 server on Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud or EC2 for short. It's all a bit confusing but I was able to migrate one website over.

http://damienhull.com is now on the virtual server. I'll do a blog post tomorrow.

Running a small server for a year comes to $587.80. I purchased a year of small server time. That drops the per hour rate to $0.03. That's just the price you pay for running the server. I haven't figured out what bandwidth and storage space will cost. Both are separate charges.

Overall I'm impressed with the service. If I need more processing power I could launch a bigger server. That will cost more to operate but its there if I need it.

I think this is the wave of the future. I don't have to worry about hardware... Or fast Internet connections. Very cool!

Damien Hull
Linux Ninja
Open Source Assassin
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