On Wednesday 24 May 2006 13:40, Jules Infintiy wrote:
> I was having a conversation with a coworker this morning about Linux.
> He feels like Linux should just join up and have one distro. He had
> some good points. But here is my question who thinks it would really be
> a good idea? I Love Linuxs openness and having chooses, but I fell that
> if it was just one distro it would just end up like Windows.
> I am just interested in your opinions on the matter.
Differing opinions on the GNU/Linux or the GNU/XXX, what a concept :-)
Linux is a kernel, you can hack away to your hearts content as long as
the gpl licensing is followed. Try Debians GNU/BSd for an alternative
IMHO, their will always be 'many' flavors of Linux, but in the commercial
markplace, Suse & RedHat, and Debian et al, are the only ones that fit
the definition of competeting with MS & Apple, imho.
BTW, Window sucks, among other adjectives, (convicted federal criminals)
so it is not a target OS to be emulated.
Back to the topic, with the FHS & LSB GNU/Linux does behave similar/same
on different hardware & distros.
-- Greg Madden --------- To unsubscribe, send email to <aklug-request@aklug.org> with 'unsubscribe' in the message body.Received on Wed May 24 20:32:50 2006
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