Fedora Core 4 multimedia/format issues

From: Bob Crowe <forge@mtaonline.net>
Date: Sun Oct 09 2005 - 11:59:25 AKDT

 I recently did a new install of FC4 and I'm working out 2 issues. I've
used FC3 for awhile before I tried Suse 9.3. The first issue is how do I
get Totem to play quicktime,wmv,dvd, etc. files? I got FC3's Totem
working by downloading multiple codecs and installing/reinstalling
Totem-xine...essentially I found the perfect combo to make it work
totally by accident. Does anyone know a streamlined process? Second I
have a Maxtor One Touch USB external hard drive 160 gb that I used to
have setup with fat32 (I used to have a dual boot setup but no more :)
)and that is one of the reasons I bailed from Suse 9.3. It didn't matter
whether I was root or user I could not read/write onto the external hard
drive. So I used Yast to reformat into reiserfs and it did but still
wouldn't allow read/write. So I backed all 60 gb's of
multimedia/documents onto cd (a VERY long process) and I prepared my
laptop's (which is also my desktop) hard drive and the Maxtor One Touch
for FC4 by using the Wipe Drive disk because I was hoping I could
install FC4 on my laptops hard drive and format and mount the Maxtor
with ext3 but the install would lock up. So after shutting down the
Maxtor the install went without a hitch. I tried to access the LVM tool
to reformat and I could only see the Laptops hard drive. So I went to
the Hardware Browser and I could see the Laptop/Maxtor hard drives
listed: /dev/hda, hda1 ext3, hda2 LVM Physical Volume and the Maxtor:
/dev/sda. Any ideas? Take care, Bob.

p.s. after researching the DSL packages for Palmer MTA fit the bill for
cost, speed, and total gap. ;)
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