RE: Text conversion in python

From: Arnaldo Riquelme <>
Date: Fri Mar 25 2005 - 11:42:29 AKST


Justin Dieters wrote:

> Python has a handy .replace() function for strings.
> For instance:
> a = "Line of 'text' with 'single' quotes"
> b = a.replace("'", "")
> b now contains the string "Line of text with single quotes"
> Be aware: most of the string methods are deprecated and will be
> removed in Python 3.0 - I'm not sure how you would do it in 3.0... :/
> Regards,
> Justin

Prior to Python 2.0 string-manipulation functionality was in the string
Beginning with Python 2.0 string is a built-in type just like list or int.
The string module still around for backwards compatibility but acts mostly
as a front-end to the new string type.

The string methods that are deprecated and will probably be removed in 3.0
are those from the string module. The built-in string type will always be
part of the language.

Old Way: import string
                a = "Line of 'text' with 'single' quotes"
                b = string.replace(a,"'","")

New Way: b = "Line of 'text' with 'single' quotes".replace("'","")



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