Re: WebDAV

From: Adam Bultman <>
Date: Wed Aug 11 2004 - 15:59:05 AKDT

My company is using that to allow some minor backing up and
file-accessibility for users, and some customers, I believe. It's a
pretty handy way of giving people filestorage access without giving them
say, SSH or FTP logins to a server. It's kind of a pain to administer
until you get the hang of it, though - I have this mixture of .htpasswd
style users and of almost chroot-style /etc/passwd style stuff - totally

Anyway, I might be able to help you out if you are going to be using it,
but I can for sure say it's pretty cool. Combine it with the right kind
of website and you've got a really powerful tool.


Hassler, Jeff wrote:

>Is anyone using WebDAV for 'Samba like' services such as -- a file is
>written to a directory on box a that phyically resides in a directory on
>box b?
>Jeff Hassler, MBA, MS, OCP
>Database Administrator
>ASRC Service Center
>(907) 339-6976
>Give someone a program, and you frustrate them for a day. Teach someone
>to program, and you frustrate them for a lifetime!
> "Any damn fool can make something complex. It takes a genius to make
>something simple."
>Woody Guthrie
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