Samba locking directories

Subject: Samba locking directories
From: Justin Dieters (
Date: Tue Nov 25 2003 - 19:19:21 AKST

Hey all. I set up a Samba server a couple days ago, with several
Windows XP & 98 client machines. Sometimes, seemingly at random, it
will 'write lock' a directory. This can happen when a person already
has files open read/write, but then when they try and save, it won't let
them. But then they can go to another directory and save it. It never
seems to happen to just certain files, but a whole directory (along with
subdirs and subfiles) at a time.

All the files seem to have the same user/group ownership and the same
access modes (rw for everyone). Also, the folder can be written to by
other people on the network with no problem. This 'write lock' seems to
go away after a while, meaning if the person just closes all their files
out of that folder and then goes back a couple hours later, it works
fine again.

So far I have only seen this on a couple of the Windows XP machines, so
I don't know if this is a problem on 98 as well or not. I'm not sure
what exact version of Samba it is, but it's whatever comes with RedHat
9.0, so it is fairly recent.

Any ideas on what the problem might be? I don't have a lot of
experience with Samba - I'm doing most of my configuration stuff for it
through Webmin - but this is the only big problem I've encountered so far...


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