Subject: Amanda and recovering files
From: Mike Barsalou (
Date: Tue Dec 17 2002 - 12:32:59 AKST
Recovering files seems to be pretty straight forward. As root start the
amrecover program:
amrecover DailySet1
this brings you to an am recover prompt. Type 'help' to get a list of
files. You must use the setdisk command to point amrecover at what you are
wanting to recover. If you are using the setup described in my previous
mail you would type:
setdisk /etc
at this point you can see what is supposed to be on the tape with the ls
if you want to traverse down a directory you would use the cd command:
cd ssh
As far as I can tell there are not any ways to recursively down the backup
tree. However, this is very convenient for individual files.
You use add to add the file to the extraction list:
add modules.conf
After you finish building your extraction list you issue the extract
The program will ask if you really want to do this...etc...
Works well.
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