Subject: Re: Networking/wine
From: volz (
Date: Mon Dec 16 2002 - 17:04:02 AKST
Hey there:
Everything here is a dual boot, no big deal to have that, but it is mostly just
a pain. Three boots I donknow. If you have boot media, lilo and grub should get
you there. I like the VMware approach because who wants to reboot all the time?
although I don't know how much you have researched the options, as a green linux
user my recommendation may not mean much, but here it is.
Check out Win4lin. It is available for Win98. The two versions I have used have
worked really well. It requires a kernel tweak, (in this case not a big deal
because of the installer), but when you are done. Win98 is more stable than it
has ever been on any architecture I have had experience with. I use the
networking and network printing. Never have to reboot. The only hitch and
complaint is graphics intensive applications grind everything to a halt.
Actually everything windows to a halt but if you disable Ctl-Alt-Del on X then
you can bust out of Win 98 when it hangs.
Actually there are a few other hitches:
if you already have a lot of data on your windows partition, I don't know how
you graft that into the windows on your linux box. maybe you mount that
partition? Michael do you know? I know you can mount partitions on the /win
directory. Haven't tried it yet though.
the graphics hitch I mentioned.
there may not be an up to date kernel for the latest or even slightly exotic
No XP.
The reason this is perhaps is not real popular might be Win$Lin is not GPL. It
costs about $90. That, and the fact that we run dreadhate 8.0. So that
distribution has pre-built kernels which makes the process pretty painless.
Have fun,
Karl Volz
>Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 11:26:00 -0800
>From: Matthew Dunaway <>
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>Thanks George and everyone else. I think I know a little more about
>networking now.
>My next project will be after Christmas.
>I am going to buy a new hard drive. Hopefully, a 60 gig or better. What I
>want to do is to make a triple boot system. Partition the 60 gig into three
>20 gig partitions. Put Windows XP or 98 (I need Windows for school), SuSE
>8.1and Mandrake 9.0 Power Pack on the three separate partitions. I'll most
>likely end up taking my computer and the 3 operatiing systems to a Friday
>meeting and let you all help me install all three.
>Does anybody have a triple-boot, or more, system??
>Fielder George Dowding wrote:
>Greetings Matthew, I have had ACS DSL for well over a year (about 18 months
>Ithink). I have my Gnu/Debian/Linux box acting as the Internet server
>(firewall, router). This set up requires two Ethernet interfaces in this
>box.One (eth0 in my case) serves my LAN through a hub. The other (eth1)
>connects to the DSL modem provided by ACS. I have both Linux/BSD and W98
>boxen on the LAN. I also connect my laptop and the odd experimental box from
>time to time to the hub. It works perfectly. I located the DSL modem at the
>point where my telephone line entered my mobile home. I had to break the
>inside telephone wiring at this point, but by doing this, the single filter
>provided by ACS serves all the extensions I had installed. I did have to run
>a long ethernet cable from the DSL modem to where my firewall/router is
>located. If you need a long cable, you can buy a length from Frigid North
>andput the connectors on yourself. Ask someone at the Friday night
>laboratorysessions for help. I always have my compression tool (for RJ45 and
>RJ11 connectors) and both flavors of connectors in my van. Cheerio! On Sun,
>15 Dec 2002 12:05:18 -0800 Matthew Dunaway <>[1]
>wrote: Hello, I am getting DSL next week. :-) My question is, I have SuSE
>8.1Personal. My wife's computer has Windows 98SE Can I share DSL with both
>operating systems? Or do I have to have Linux on both? I also have Mandrake
>9.0 Power Pack, but it is not installed yet. I have a 20 gig hard drive, but
>would like to get another drive (80 gig or better). Windows XP takes up more
>than half of my 20 gig drive, and I don't want to remove SuSE, considering
>ittook me a week to get it on the internet. My wife's computer only has a 4
>gig drive, so a dual-boot is not an option at this point. Besides, I don't
>think she is interested in learing Linux anyway. It took me 8 months or so
>toteach her 98SE. (She had a stroke, so her memory is not what it used to
>be.:-( ) Thanks Matt --------- To unsubscribe, send email to
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