Subject: Apache on Linux permissions
From: Chris (
Date: Wed Jul 31 2002 - 14:04:54 AKDT
How on Linux / redhat running apache
I'm trying to set up virtual web's..
I've already listed the webs and pointed the webs via red hat's apache tool
Only now that I've pointed these virtual webs to
I try and type in these virtual web names and get a
Forbidden 404
you don't have permissions to access / on this server
I've checked the chown and the chmod other is set to read for these directories..
If I try and pull up my httpd.conf i get a blank screen. if i'm in gnome startx view.
Is there a special way to access this file?
Also how do I set the folders for web-guest or blank to be able to view the files in these directories. ?
Is there a place on the net I can go for full info on how to set up another webdirectory on apache?
This I'm sure is an easy one for those of you that use Apache. Please Help X IIS user..
-Chris Javier
Anchorage Tech
Galena City School District.
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