Subject: Friday night meeting
From: damien hull (
Date: Fri Jul 26 2002 - 16:53:14 AKDT
Does anybody know what's going on with the Friday night meetings? The last
thing I herd was that we no longer have a place to meet.
Wireless Cows...
If anybody wants to do a covert mission to plant APs in cows count me in =].
On a more technical note 802.11 works but it is an open frequency. Any one
can use it and does use it. Some cord-less phones use 802.11. If the phone
is placed near a wireless network it may be enough to take it down.
Any wireless network that is built using 802.11 can be shut down by stray
interference. What we need is one band for wireless networking that no one
else is using. That would solve a lot of problems.
Damien Hull
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