Subject: rsh,rcp on RH7.1+
From: Peter Q. Olsson (
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 15:36:53 AKDT
Hello all-
I am having problems with rsh, rlogin, rcp on remote hosts running RH7.1 and
I cannot even rsh,rlogin from a box to itself. I jsut get no response for about
30 s then a "Connection refused". The problem is not with /etc/hosts.allow
file. ` (Things seem to work fine as expected on my one ramaining RH 7.0 box)
What am I missing here?
| |
| Dr. Peter Q. Olsson, |
| Chief Scientist, Alaska Experimental Forecast Facility |
| University of Alaska Anchorage |
| 2811 Merrill Field Drive |
| Anchorage, AK 99501 |
| voice: (907) 264-7449 |
| fax : (907) 264-7444 |
| |
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