Subject: Thing that can bite you in the ..uh-h-h...
From: Jim Gribbin (
Date: Sat Jul 06 2002 - 15:31:13 AKDT
I've bee attempting to play around with Gentoo again the last couple of
days and thought I'd share this. Illustrates the different ways
different distros can do the simplest things that can bite.
I finally got things to the point where the OS would boot, but during
boot it complained that I didn't have support for something in the
kernel that was required. devfs to be exact.
The box completed its boot, however, so I re-configured the kernel,
re-compiled and copied the new kernel to /boot. Gentoo uses grub by
default, so no lilo -v. Straightforward stuff still.
The boot still complained about a lack of support for devfs however.
What I didn't realize, being used to the way RH does things, is that
Gentoo doesn't leave the /boot partition mounted. All there is is a
directory entry in the / partition where the boot partition gets
Consequently, I spent a couple of hours re-compiling and re-installing
the kernel multiple times, the whole time trying to figure out where
this other configure switch was that I was missing and all the time I
was just copying my new kernels off into the ether.
Jim Gribbin
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