Subject: Slack 8.1 ISO
From: damien hull (
Date: Wed Jul 03 2002 - 17:07:49 AKDT
I didn't down load the ISO. I down loaded the entire slackware-8.1
directory. It took about two days to get it. Once I had that I built my own
ISO with the stuff I wanted.
The Slack 8.1 ISO is 657 MB, which doesn't fit on my 650 CD's. Also, the ISO
is missing a few things like the extras folder.
Jim Gribbin writes:
Maybe there are some bad CDs out there.
RH includes a tool to check the md5sum of the installation CDs during
the install. Does Slack include something similar? On RH you type 'linux
mediacheck' at the install boot prompt.
Failing that, maybe you could use rsync to check your images against the
images on their ftp site.
Jim Gribbin
Damien Hull
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